Sunday, August 16, 2015

Summary Sunday

Good news! I am absolutely, positively in the next to the last chapter of Courting Cassandry now! Just have to tie up the final few loose ends and, well, still figure out exactly how my hero and heroine are going to get their happy-ever-after ending (okay, so that's still looking like a bit of a challenge, but I've made it this far with the plot, I'm sure my characters will figure out how to solve this problem, too--I hope!).

Here are some sentences from my next-to-the-next-to-the-last and next-to-the-last chapters of Courting Cassandry, and a mini-cast of characters to help you along. (Once again, I've concealed the identities of some of the characters so as not to give away the ending.)

Mini-cast of characters:

Gerolt: My 50-something hero
Cassandry: My 40-something heroine
Egelina: Cassandry's teenaged daughter

Monday: (Gerolt's thoughts): Only the myopic young with their still callow charms could fail to see the beauty of a silver strand of hair, the wisdom in a creased brow, the compassion of crinkled eyes.

Tuesday: There was no reaching her before she could do the deed. Gerolt searched with a rising desperation for words to deflect the purpose she looked chillingly reconciled to now.

Wednesday: Gerolt stood alone on the tower. The sun had come out again, bathing his face in its warmth. He glanced behind him. His shadow had never looked so empty.

Thursday: “Stop,” Cassandry murmured against his mouth and tried to push him away. “Gerolt, stop. We cannot do this.”

            “I know,” he said, and kissed her again

Friday: For someone on the verge of obtaining what she “desired most,” Egelina looked very close to bursting into tears.

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