Friday, February 11, 2011

Get to Know the Reviewer: Kathy Habel of I Am a Reader, Not a Writer

Today’s Getting to Know You interview is with book reviewer Kathy Habel, AKA Inspired Kathy at I Am a Reader, Not a Writer. Kathy is shy. You’ll notice that there are no photos of her on her blog, but I managed to sneak one of her setting the table for dinner. (Just kidding. I don’t really know why she’s holding all those forks. Maybe she’ll share the full fork story with us someday!)

Kathy has generously offered to hold a book giveaway in connection with this interview. If you’d like to win a copy of Beneath a Honeysuckle Vine by Marcia Lynn McClure, just leave a comment below AND INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. Deadline to enter is midnight PST, February 16. The winner will be drawn by USA entries only.

JDP: Welcome to JDP NEWS, Kathy. Do you remember a favorite book from your childhood? 

Kathy: Raggedy Ann and Andy.  My mom had it memorized and I have the very tattered, falling apart copy she read to me.

JDP: I have a very tattered, falling apart Raggedy Ann doll. Name a favorite author as an adult. 
Kathy: Just one?  It's hard to pick just one!  Marcia Lynn McClure
JDP: Share a book you’ve read multiple times.
Kathy: Twilight Series, Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter Series, Jane Eyre
JDP: Kindle, Nook, or good old hard copy? 
Kathy: Still a good old fashioned hard copy but I'm sure I'll make the switch someday soon.
JDP: What’s your favorite place to read? 
Kathy: Curled up on the couch although I can and do read just about everywhere.  I'm the queen of multitasking, I can read and fold laundry at the same time.
JDP: Wow! There’s a good trick! What are your three favorite reading genres.
Kathy: Fantasy, Clean Romance, Historical Fiction
JDP: What’s the last book you read?
Kathy: You know I read a lot right!  This week I've finished Falling Under (Gwen Hayes), The Peasant Queen (Cheri Chesley), Spells (Aprilynne Pike), Pearl (Jo Knowles), Lost on Spirit River (Tommy Batchlor), The Blood of Cain (T.L. Gray) and Sapphique (Catherine Fisher).
JDP: Wow! And what are you’re reading now? 
Kathy: I'm always in the middle of several books.  Currently The Life and Opinions of Amy Finawitz (Laura Toffler-Corrie), Impractical Grace (John S. Bushman), The Last Olympian (Rick Riordan) and Clara Lee and the Apple Pie Dream (Jenny Han).
JDP: What’s next on your reading list?
Kathy: A lot!  Here is my next months worth of reading: Delirium (Laura Oliver), Road Show (Braden Bell), Latte Rebellion (Sarah Jamila Stevenson), Crusade (Nancy Holder), Flirt Club (Cathleen Daly), Dearly Departed (Tristi Pinkston), Heart of a Hero (Marie Higgins), By Heart & by Compass (Danielle Thorne), Fused (Kari Lee Townsend), How Sweet It Is (Sophie Gunn), Rhythm of Secrets (Patti Lacy), Shades of Gray, Other Words for Love (Lorraine Zago Rosenthal), Midnight Tunnel, Long Weekend (Savita Kalhan), Mad Love (Suzanne Selfors), False Princess (Eilis O’Neal), A New Birth (Robert G. Pielke), Timeless (Alexandra Monir), Fallen Grace (Mary Hooper), Letters From Home (Kristine McMorris), Sean Griswold's Head (Lindsey Leavitt), Sing Me to Sleep (Angela Morrison) and A Modest Proposal (Michele Ashman Bell)... Wish me Luck!
JDP: Whew! Good luck! What you would like to read more of? (author, genre, etc) 
Kathy: I'm already reading mainly what I want to.  I really enjoy young adult books and clean romance.  That is what I mainly read.  I just wish I didn't have to sleep so I could get through more books.
JDP: Share a favorite book that you’ve read in the last 12 months  

Kathy: So hard to pick one!  Here's one to look forward to that comes out in April: My Unfair Godmother by Janette Rallison.

JDP: Thank you for joining us today, Kathy!

More about Kathy: So many books, so little time! 
Kathy is an eclectic reader and blogs her reviews of many different genres: fantasy, fairy tales, clean romance, historical fiction, science fiction, Christian, LDS and anything else that is clean, uplifting or entertaining. Her juvenile, middle grade, young adult, and adult book reviews include content information for parents and the conservative reader. If you love free books, stop by her blog, I Am a Reader, Not a Writer each week for a new giveaway!

And remember: Leave a comment on this interview for a chance to win a copy of Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine, by Marcia Lynn McClure!

(After you've enjoyed this interview and entered Kathy's giveaway, you might like to click here to learn about some other giveaways currently underway at JDP NEWS.)


Jinky said...

Nice to see a face to the infamous name! Kathy rocks!

Kathy Habel said...

The fork story... I was just about to have breakfast with Stephenie Meyer and in quite a silly mood - thus I was posing with "Forks"

PoCoKat said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

littleone AT shaw DOT ca

Gayle said...

I love Kathy's blog and reviews. I'm amazed she can keep up with it all!
And I just ordered a copy of "Loyalty's Web" -- excited to read it!

Anonymous said...

This is my fist time seeing your blog. I love Marcia's books.

brendajean said...

I loved your interview with Kathy- I'm still amazed she has time to read so much with her kids too! (moms are such great multi-taskers)
Thanks for the giveaway:)

bchild5 @ aol dot com

Kimberly Sue said...

Great interview! I'd love to learn more!


Davis said...

Fun interview! I love the forks! I hope I win :)

tifferz19 AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Great interview! Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre are two of my favorite books, too.

Parkay24 said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Linda Kish said...

She has a lovely face. we need a picture on her blog.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Paula Schuck said...

Hi I am a new follower and this is a great blog. Enter my name in the giveaway please. Http://

Judy said...

It is nice to have a face with the blog:) Thanks!! I also enjoyed the interview!!


D said...

I've become somewhat addicted to Kathy's blog. It's nice to get to know a little more about her. : )

Taffy said...

Kathy is a cutie! Thanks for sharing a pic of her and the interview.

We have a lot in common too! We could totally be friends. And I promise I'm not a stalker :)

Meredith said...

I love Kathy's reviews and giveaways!

meredithfl at gmail dot com

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

It really is great to see the person behind I'm a Reader, Not a Writer! Just don't know how she reads all those books!

She said...

Nice interview. I'm a bookaholic also and I read most genres. I notice JDP News has medieval history and books on it. One of my most favorite classes in college was medieval history. I had a fantastic professor. He even looked like a viking (not one from Minnesota ;)). Loved those 2 classes.

tearyeyedstars said...

great interview! (:
thanks for the giveaway
ejhtan at gmail dot com

Debby said...

what a neat interview. Enjoyed it a lot
debby236 at att dot net

Tara said...

Omg! Finally a face with the name! I've been wondering! :) I love Kathy and her blog!

Taming the Bookshelf

John & Elaine said...

Is so awesome to get to know an author on a more personal level! I hope that I will grow to love her books as well. :)

Joyce DiPastena said...

Loved the "forks" story! Thanks for sharing it with us, Kathy.

Gayle, thanks for ordering a copy of Loyalty's Web! I hope you enjoy it. :-)

She, yeah, I'm a BIG fan of the Middle Ages. Had a great college professor who taught it, too. He didn't look like a Viking, but I did dedicate my first book in part to him.

Thanks everyone for stopping by and leaving comments. Good luck to you all in the giveaway! (Even though, sadly, only one of you can win. ;-) )

TheGirlOnFire said...

I still ready mostly hard book copies, but my boyfriend bought me a nook and I love it! Its really fun to read on, especially when your hands get tired because it's so lightweight.

Vivien said...

I absolutely love actual books, but ereaders are making a surge. I did recently get a Kindle, and am really enjoying it. It's a great medium, but I will always love books.

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Lolawid said...

Woo-Hoo!! Great interview! It was fun getting to know Kathy better. Thanks!

skkorman said...

Please include me in your giveaway!

skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

Lisa Lu said...

Love to know more about her!

Unknown said...

I will check into some of the books you mentioned. I am always looking for something wonderful to read!

lgm52 said...

I must check for some of the books mentioned in this interview. Thanks for the suggestions!

Carol N Wong said...

Loved the interview, especially about the Raggety Ann and Andy dolls. Mine was Bugs bunny and my mother would put him in the washing machine while I was alseep.
Then I would hunting for him and see him with clothes pins in his long ears hanging from the clothes line.


rbooth43 said...

I am an avid reader of I AM A READER, NOT A WRITER and am glad to meet the blogger. She is great! Jane Eyre is a favorite book of mine. I have a Kindle, but still love a hard copy of books, because then my friends can read the book too.I would love to read Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine, by Marcia Lynn McClure!
rbooth43 at yahoo dot com

Diana D said...

I'm always looking for something to read. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

Juana said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I have found a lot of new books/authors through the I Am a Reader, Not a Writer daily emails & website.

Thank you and thanks again for the giveaway.

Cindy said...

Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading all the time! I have never read this book before. It sounds so interesting that I would really enjoy reading it!!

SweetShenanigans said...

Woww! You are incredibly lucky to have had the chance to have breakfast with Stephenie Meyer!

girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

Ka said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Heather Ackermann Hilmer said...

Breakfast with Stephenie Meyer, that's awesome!! Nice to see a pic of you, Kathy! I'm reading Marcia books right now and have read most of them, but not "Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine" yet, so I'm entering! =)

Emily H. said...

Great interview!

treerose AT yahoo DOT com

Kelly said...

Cute fork story. Nice to have a pic of Kathy too!

Ruth said...

I am with her! Clean romance is always nice,and I have grown to like YA novels.

Cathy W said...

Great interview, thanks.
cjwallace43 at gmail dotcom

Susan M. said...

I follow Kathy's blog and would love a chance to win this book.

Anonymous said...

The interview was good , I really enjoyed it . The book sounds like something I would love to read !!!

Anonymous said...

The interview was enjoyable , the humor w/ forks was cool. I love historical romance & especially medieval romance . Thanks , Kathy .

Esther Blair-Tull
331 Panoramic Drive
Camdenton , MO . 65020

Kyra said...

Wow! I can't believe she reads that much, I am way impressed!


DanielleThorne said...

Great interview. I love the fork photo!

msdarcy said...

Loved the interview and how fun to meet Stephenie Meyer! Thanks for the giveaway!

msdarcy22 at aol dot com

kbrebes said...

Very cool interview! I wish I could read as much and as fast!

Emily Rose said...

I've always wondered what she looks like! Thanks for giveaway!

Kathy Habel said...

Thanks for all the fun comments and thanks to Joyce for hosting this interview & giveaway!

Susan G. Haws said...

I love the fork pic and story. I enjoy alot of the same books so I will have to check out Kathy's site.

Unknown said...

I am a Marcia Lynn McClure fan too!!

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love a good clean historical romancy with a little bit of mystery. Also, you will love The Roadshow by Braden Bell. If you haven't read it, add No Going Back by Jonathan Langford. Another great book. I have challenged myself to read 12 books this year. Have all ready read 2. Good luck with your reading list.

katklaw777 said...

Looks like a great book...thanks for the giveaway. katklaw777 at yahoo dot com

Tarmy said...

love to win!
tarmy (dot) lunt (at) gmail (dot) com

Kathy Habel said...

Thanks to everyone who left a comment to enter. I'll get the book in the mail to Susan shortly.