Wow! I'm almost up to 500 blog followers! So what do you all think? Should I celebrate when I hit 500? If I held a giveaway, what would you most like to win? (Keeping it reasonable, of course. I'm not made of gold, though given the present economy, I wish I was!)
Awesome, looks like one more to go! That's exciting. I love your books and I've enjoyed it in the past when you've given away different research books that you love.
500 followers? That's great! Congrats!!!--Lisa
Yay! Way to go! 500! I haven't made it past 80 yet... you have the gift of the gab! :D
Congrats, Joyce! Yes. I do believe a celebration is in order. A contest for a book or gift cert. would be cool. Cyber champs to all!!
Congrats Joyce. I love celebrations!! Whatever you want to share with us is perfect.
Congrats on the milestone! That's awesome!
I would most like to win a copy of your newest book. As soon as it's out. But I'll still follow you even if it takes another year.
Still, 500 followers? Yeah, you should celebrate. That's a great accomplishment.
Congrats, Joyce! I'm jealous :D
Awesome, looks like one more to go! That's exciting. I love your books and I've enjoyed it in the past when you've given away different research books that you love.
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