Sunday, September 8, 2013

Summary Sunday

These sentences this week from The Lady and the Minstrel all take place while Marguerite is visiting her beloved tutor, Odo of Wedmore, on her late grandfather's estates in Northumberland, England, still waiting impatiently for Robert to come home from the wars in France. Her betrothed, the Earl of Strode, has sent his squire to attend--or perhaps, spy--upon Marguerite in his absence. The squire is speaking in the Monday sentences. If you were Marguerite, how would you respond to the squire here? ;-)

Monday: “But the earl will not be so liberal with his wife’s conduct. I really cannot allow you to enter that cottage.”

Tuesday: She blinked rapidly and hard until the vision of that horror retreated. Let him think the sun’s brilliance stung her eyes.

Wednesday: It should have been Robert standing here, holding her, kissing her . . .

Thursday: It was the one weapon Odo possessed to wound her, and he had used it.

Friday: (Marguerite thinking of her grandfather) But you did not live. You left me alone and I have found someone to love me and I cannot live my life for a memory, however dear.

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