And I've reached the end of Lucianna's story! I had a great deal of fun writing the epilogue and hope you will enjoy it, too, when you finally get to read it. But that will be awhile yet. I'm putting this draft to bed, so to speak, and will now let it rest while I begin work on my third round of revisions on
The Lady and the Minstrel. When those are done (which may take awhile, since L&M is a novel and Lucianna's story is only a novella), I'll begin a second draft of Lucianna's story. Now that I know "the full story" as well as the ending, I have some fun ideas for how to flesh it out a bit. :-)
So here is a final sampling of new sentences from my first draft of Lucianna's story. Hmmm. I think it's time to start working on a real title for it now!
Monday: Every
action, every word, every expression that had made her love him, ruined now by
the memory of this day that could never be wiped from her mind and heart
because she would always know he had not wiped it from his.
Tuesday: Sir
Balduin rarely swore in her presence but the muffled word, though indistinct,
bore such a blasphemous hint that it startled her into glancing at him.
Wednesday: He
repeated her name, a warm caress of confidence now on his lips.
Thursday: There
was a time when Lucianna’s rebukes had intimidated Perrin, but he had grown
regrettably impervious to them as his precociousness had coaxed a maternal
affection in her and softened the force, if not the frequency, of her
Friday: Sir
Balduin’s shoulders half-lifted in a shrug. He caught Lucianna’s glare and
swiftly resumed his normal posture.