Are you all winding down--or is that more like winding up?--for Thanksgiving? I am, which means The Lady and the Minstrel and Summary Sunday will be mostly going on hiatus for a week. Here's a sampling of new sentences to tide you over in the meantime.
Monday: “The
minstrel is a mere irritant it will give me pleasure to snuff like a candle’s
Tuesday: If she lost
him, her very foundation would crumble and the only thing waiting to catch her
would be the soul-blasting coldness of Strode’s embrace.
Wednesday: Her
father had called such comfort “coddling” and rebuked her mother from holding
her during the long, grieving days that had followed her grandfather’s death.
Thursday: “I believe
Robert an honest man, and he certainly has beauty and charm enough to set any
woman to swooning—don’t stare, child, I told you I was not blind.
Friday: “Lord
Christopher has laid testimony? Before what court?”
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!