Monday, May 10, 2010

Now available for Kindle!

Are you a Kindle owner? Or an iPad owner with a Kindle app? (I aspire to be the latter one day!) If so, both of my sweet medieval romances, Loyalty's Web and Illuminations of the Heart, are now available for Kindle download! You can click on the titles below to go directly to the Kindle link on Amazon.

Loyalty's Web

Illuminations of the Heart


Elizabeth Mueller said...

Hi Joyce! So here's your blog! It's cool! Don't own any electronic ways of reading. I think I'm the old fashioned type where I love to hold a book in my hands and smell the rich scent of paper of books. *Sigh... I'll miss books if they ever become extinct. *Waaa!!

Joyce DiPastena said...

Actually, I'm with you, Elizabeth. I'm an old-fashioned book person, too. But lots of people have been asking me if or when my books would become available for Kindle, so I decided I'd better announce it's finally happened.

What I *would* love an electronic reader for would be to carry all my medieval research books around with me when I go on vacation, etc, to make it easier to write when I'm away from home. Sadly, I think all my research books will probably be the LAST books that will become available for Kindle. But when I'm at home, I'd still rather hold a "real" research book in my hands than resort to an e-reader. I'm just old fashioned too, I guess, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. LOL!