NEW DRAWING:I just got back from the
Arizona Renaissance Festival, where I picked up some trifles, knick-knacks, and a few more expensive items for future drawings. Some will be available to everyone on my website, others on some of my blogs, but I’m going to start with a drawing available only to subscribers of
JDP NEWS. This prize falls into the medieval knick-knack category, but if interested, subscribe to
JDP NEWS today! Deadline for entering the drawing is March 31.

There are a few more days left before my website drawing for a free copy of
Loyalty’s Web and a 150 ml tube of Seacret Select Hand Cream draws to a close on February 28. If you haven’t yet entered, hop on over to the News & Contests page of my
website and get your entry to me ASAP!

For those interested in writing medieval fiction, my drawing for a free copy of
Medieval Wordbook is also still open on my
medieval research with joyce blogsite. Go to my post on
Research Book Drawing for details on how to enter.
BLOG UPDATESMy blogsite,
medieval research with joyce, has been updated twice this month, with two posts on the research book,
Medieval English Gardens, by Teresa McLean. If you are interested in writing medieval fiction, or merely interested in medieval gardens, check out my two most recent posts.

And finally, for those of you who live in the sunny state of Arizona, don’t forget that I will be signing copies of my
Whitney Award finaling book,
Loyalty’s Web, on Saturday, March 1st, from 4:45-5:30 PM at the Eagle’s Aeirie School in Gilbert, Arizona (17019 South Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85295). The book signing will follow the 2008 American Night Writers Association (ANWA) Writers Conference. This Conference is open to anyone interested in writing. Details about the conference, book signing and location can be found at I’d love to see any of you there!