Monday, July 21, 2014

Christmas in July Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Christmas in July Giveaway Hop, sponsored by I Am a Reader Not a Writer and Laurie Here.

Here at JDP NEWS I'm giving away winner's choice of an e-book OR paperback copy of my short medieval Christmas romance, A Candlelight Courting

Here's the book summary:

When Burthred comes courting on Christmas Eve, Meg rejects his advances. She has her heart set on becoming a nun and insists that he call her Christina, the spiritual name she has chosen for herself. She tries to make him swear on her box of holy relics that he will not pursue her, but he carefully words his oath to allow him to stay in her candlelit chamber and try to change her mind.

What Meg does not confess is that her reliquary box holds a secret.

Burthred needs a wife, and no one will satisfy him except Meg. He swore on his father’s deathbed that he would marry her. But Burthred has a secret, too. When they come together before the Yule fire, their shared revelations will either join their hearts together or tear them apart.

This giveaway is open to International entries, as long as The Book Depository mails to your country. Please check here for a list of countries they mail to: The Book Depository

Enter via the Rafflecopter form below. The winner will be selected on August 1. (Possibly August 2 as I'll be flying home from a vacation on August 1.) If the Rafflecopter form doesn't show up, click on the link that says "a Rafflecopter giveaway" and it should take you to the signup form.

My Rafflecopter form disappears whenever I add the blog hop link, so I'm linking you back to I Am a Reader, Not a Writer for the list of more great blog hop giveaways to enter!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop: winner

Congratulations to Lisa V, winner of the Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop here at JDP NEWS! Lisa has won a copy of my sweet medieval romance, Illuminations of the Heart

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop, sponsored by Bookhounds and I Am a Reader Not a Writer.

Here at JDP NEWS I'm giving away winner's choice of an e-book OR paperback copy of my medieval romance, Illuminations of the Heart. (International winners e-book only)

Here's the book summary:

Siri de Calendri was trained in the art of illumination in her brother’s workshop in 12th century Venice, but when her brother dies his will sends her far from home. Siri travels to the faraway county of Poitou in France, where she enters the guardianship of her brother’s friend, Triston de Brielle. Once settled, she hopes to find employment in an illuminator’s shop— until Triston unexpectedly snatches her heart away with a kiss.

Triston is a man of quiet honor and courage, but the guilt he carries for the death of his wife, Clothilde, has left him numb and hesitant to love again. Worse yet, Siri bears an uncanny resemblance to his lost love. Or does she? Her merry laughter and twinkling eyes are very different from his late wife's shy smiles and quiet ways. Yet when he gazes into Siri's face, all he sees is Clothilde.

Then Triston's past returns to threaten them both. Trapped between the rivalry of the king's sons on the one hand and a neighbor out for vengeance on the other, Triston realizes it would be safer to send Siri away. Siri is determined not to be cast off and not to live in another woman’s shadow. She has illuminated many a priceless book with pen and paint, but can her own vibrant spirit illuminate the darkness in Triston’s soul and make his heart beat for her alone?

Enter via the Rafflecopter form below. The winner will be selected on July 10. (If the Rafflecopter form doesn't show up, click on the link that says "a Rafflecopter giveaway" and it should take you to the signup form.)

For reasons I have yet to fathom, my Rafflecopter form disappears whenever I add the blog hop link, so I'm linking you back to I Am a Reader, Not a Writer for the list of more great blog hop giveaways to enter!

Midsummer's Eve Blog Hop Giveaway: Winner

Congratulations to Amanda P, winner of the Midsummer's Eve Blog Hop Giveaway here on JDP NEWS! Amanda has won a copy of my medieval romance, Loyalty's Web. Thank you to all who entered!